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What we do

Patienteer combines modern technology, process methodologies and data from existing systems into a single solution, providing transparency to healthcare organisations in ensuring planned care delivery happens at the time it is expected.

A software that focuses on creating a positive experience for the patient and clinicians.


Healthcare Service Management Technology

Keeping patients safe, processes efficient and staff inspired


What clients say

"The Patienteer potential is obvious. The product is untouchable."



Patienteer are proud to have been recognised through awards, accolades and privileges, some of which are mentioned below.


HSJ Awards


Patient Safety Winner 2019 & Highly Commended 2020


HTN Awards 2020

Winner of two HTN Awards


The Hill, Oxford

Improving staff experience, patient safety and rostering



Published in the prestigious BMJ, a leading peer-reviewed medical journal 


Our Products

Bed Management

Plan & undertake flow of patients throughout a hospital under changing conditions and models of care.

Service Management

Manage task delivery for a range of hospital services and departments.

Community Care Coordination

Supporting multiagency teams in neighbourhoods to provide proactive, personalised, holistic care to people / patients 

Scheduling Optimisation

Optimisation algorithms to identify the best schedule of surgeries that maximise outcomes. Supports COVID-19 response planning.

HiRO Real-Time

Prioritised flow management: A decision support tool for managers to understand flow delays and mitigation options in real-time.

HiRO Analyser

Utilise data driven visualisations to control processes and undertake improvement cycles

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