Ensuring patients can be placed in the most appropriate bed and having transparency of what patients are waiting for improves both efficiency of patient flow and delivery of care to patients. Realising these efficiencies requires live information from multiple sources.
In real-time Patienteer Bed Management provides a platform to plan and allocate beds to patients then provides enterprise-wide transparency on the delivery of clinical tasks and activities required to complete each bed transfer or discharge.
We increase your ability to effectively prioritise activities based on the needs of patient flow and care, avoid unnecessary transfers during in-patient stays and reduce wait times for patients.
Patienteer Bed Management integrates with your existing eMR, PAS and rostering systems, using clinical and operational data to inform decisions on bed allocation and completion of patient transfer activities.
Each staff member in the hospital has access to views with the specific information required to perform their role, in addition to live KPI dashboards and enterprise patient journey boards.

Key Features
Customisable flow
Hospital operating environments change continuously and services need different information for decision making. Patient cards are configurable so you can adjust the information displayed and formatting to suit current operating conditions and models of care.
Enterprise-wide transparency
Flow managers have complete transparency of every task and activity being completed for each patient providing a detailed understanding of what each patient is waiting for and what service is responsible for delivering it before the patient can be discharged or moved onto the next location.
Utilise Heat Maps
Use data visualisations to review bed vacancies, discharge dates, infectious patients, and other key flow variables across the hospital; all in a single view. Undertake actions directly from this view or drill down into the information you need.
Analyse Performance
The bed management solution is supported by a full analytics package enabling detailed review of flow barriers and includes simulation tools enabling users to understand supply and demand trade-offs from changing resourcing of different services.